A Movie Villian

Resultado de imagen para the joker heath ledger
In the photo, the Joker of Heath Ledger.
Hi friends, today I’m going to write a post about a movie of heroes and villain, exactly about Batman, The Dark knight. I'm not very fanatic of Batman movies, so don't judge me for some error. I saw the saga of Batman throughout my childhood, and I watched Batman, The Dark knight at age 13. 

In general, the Batman movies the have vision of life very marked: a hero, a villain, black and white, the good and the bad, and good over evil... Batman, of course, he is the king of morality and ethics, and all he does is for the good of  Gotham City. But, in Batman, The Dark knight is different. I think that Christopher Nolan try to express that the life is more complicated that the good and bad or the black and white. 

Exist hues, contradictions and complexities. You have to think about yourself, since you were born and die you are not the same, you can think or feel differently throughout your life, and that also depends on the experiences you have been through. Your not evil or good all time, depend of the circumstances. In this sense, Nolan show a very correct and order Batman from the beginning, but he begins to question his role and his position since the appearance of the Joker.

The Joker participates in the film to bring an important element: he fights authority and tries to destroy it at any cost. In the most basic anarchic sense, this approach is an emancipator argument. To this extent, beyond seeing his role in the film as one of the antagonist, it could be thought that the Joker, from "evil", is inviting us to think of "good" and the justice. I don't know, I love him for that.

There is a dialogue of the film that marked me, says something like this:

Batman: You want me, here I am.
Joker: I wanted to see what you would do. And you did not disappoint me. You have let five people die. You did not assume the fact and you let Dent assume the responsibility. Even for someone like me, that is not acceptable.
Batman: Then, why do you want to kill me?
Joker: kill you? I do not want to kill you. What would I do without you? Extort from the hampons again? You complete me.

In this sense, this dialogue explains us that good needs evil, and Batman invites us to live this duality.


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