My Blogging Experience

Hi, this is my latest blog, because I´m ending my English course. What I think about to writing online blogs is that it is a good way to practice writing in English and learning English words.
I must admit that I have much to learn, and that do I continue use the translator haha, but if you continue to practice in this way, I think you could learn more. Maybe, write two times a week would be better for learning, because you would create a habit and with this you can reinforce the things that you been learn.
In the english course i like the form to learn, write a blog is a very didactic form to express our ideas about differents topics, also  you can share your personal opinión, and you can register you semi-annual progress.

I liked so much that our teacher had a blogs too, because with this, we can learn how we made our blogs because he had a “model” that we can follow the topics that we should write and in the same way, we can meet the english teacher´s life.


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